A quick look at the wonders of India

Dear Readers,

I am back from the dead!  Or should I say…..back IN the blogosphere?

I know my readership is not huge, but for those of you who care…..Thanks!  I have not posted anything for a long while.  Let’s just say I am slowly emerging.  Emerging from a deep place called overbooked, overtaxed, over exhausted, and over worried.  The last few months comprise some of the busiest yet most amazing times I have ever had.

I am looking now at the thousands of photographs we took of India, and I am excited to write about my experiences and sort out my thoughts.

India.  What a beautiful place.  What a shocking place.  It has so many opposites wrapped together in one package perfect for the more adventurous traveler.  Exquisite beauty, crippling poverty, world-renowned arts, garbage heaps, delicious food, contaminated water, religious devotion, political corruption–all of these elements and more coalesce into this amalgam of a country I barely understand after spending two weeks there.

I won’t pretend to be an expert, but I am, at the very least, a fan.  Over the next several weeks (wait–I am trying to be realistic here)–I mean months–I will attempt to work through my experiences so that they have value to me both as a person and as a teacher. And hopefully you will get some meager use out of it too.  Because that is one thing I will say I know is true: India has changed me.

Isn’t that powerful?  Isn’t that what travel is all about?  Here are some teaser photographs:

Young Sikh reading the teachings of the Guru, right outside Delhi

Woman making Chapatis

Intricate carving, Q’tub Minar site, Delhi

Darling children posing for us

Beautiful series of doorways in Agra

Sunset on the River Ganges

Stacks of colored threads to make rugs

Young monk meditating at the site of Buddha’s enlightenment

It is with reverence and awe that I look back.  One day I hope to visit again.

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